This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Chatbot Widget for Opulent


This plugin is to embed opulent Website Chatbot into wordpress site.

Get Started

You can get Website Chatbot quick, and easy. Get Website Chatbot from our site in minutes.



Automated Installation

Install this wordpress plugin, get your API Key from Opulent and activate your Opulent Bot on your Website

Manual Alternatives

Get embed Code from your Bot Dashboard on Opulent, and put that code before </body> on any page where you want to enable bot


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„Chatbot Widget for Opulent“ jo software wótwórjonego žrědła. Slědujuce luźe su pśinosowali k toś tomu tykacoju.




  • Release date: August 15, 2019