Embed Telegram’s Channel content, view content of telegram’s channel on your site.
Requires PHP version 5.4 or greater.
Embed Telegram’s Channel content
Embed Telegram content by pasting a URL, customizing a shortcode, or in a widget area.
- How can i use it?
First, you must get API-Key from Telewall (Tele-wall website), then fill require fields (your site and your favorite channel).
Go to plugin’s page and set api-key and now last posts of telegrams channel appeare in your site.
Sobustatkujuce a wuwijarje
„TelegramsChannelToWP“ jo software wótwórjonego žrědła. Slědujuce luźe su pśinosowali k toś tomu tykacoju.
SobustatkujuceTranslate “TelegramsChannelToWP” into your language.
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This version fixed ssl connection and improve widget.