This is a WordPress plugin, for Datacake clients and other customers who would like the functionalities
Based on the City you can create page redirects to show the correct page
– shortcodes: ‚😊🎉✔
Temos cobertura em sua cidade‘,
‚error‘ => ‚Infelizmente sua cidade não tem cobertura ainda.
Qualquer dúvida entre em contato.‘,
‚assine_url‘ => ‚/assine‘
dk_city_list ‚g-cols via_flex valign_top type_default‘,
‚list_item_class‘ => ‚vc_col-sm-{{col}} wpb_column vc_column_container‘,
‚col‘ => 3,
‚include_neighborhood‘ => false,
dk_city_select ‚name‘,
‚group_class‘ => ‚form-group‘,
‚group_id‘ => ‚choosecity-formgroup‘,
‚name‘ => ‚in-cities‘,
‚select-class‘ => ‚form-control‘,
‚btn_id‘ => ‚chooseCitySubmit‘,
‚btn_class‘ => ‚btn btn-outline-primary text-white‘,
‚btn_text‘ => ‚Continuar‘,
‚ignore_neighborhood‘ => false,
‚auto_select‘ => false
dk_city_pin ‚pin-city‘,
‚class-marker‘ => ‚fa fa-map-marker‘,
‚class-dropdown‘ => ‚fa fa-chevron-down‘
– widgets:
City SEO, this will replicate a text changing the city in the text for SEO purposes
Arbitrary section
If you want you can have a datacake subscriptions to increase the use of this plugin with more features.
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Place
<?php do_action('plugin_name_hook'); ?>
in your templates
Do i need a Datacake account to make it work?
No redirect logic based on the city is not required to be linked with Datacake system
There are no reviews for this plugin.
Sobustatkujuce a wuwijarje
„Datacake Core“ jo software wótwórjonego žrědła. Slědujuce luźe su pśinosowali k toś tomu tykacoju.
SobustatkujuceTranslate “Datacake Core” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- Fixing a few bugs
- All configurations Working